The original show was a simple call and response, bridging the creative communities of writing and visual art. After, we produced a chapbook with all the work from the show, which can be viewed digitally below.
Calvin Godfrey Casey Wiley Christian Howard Dan Brady Danika Stegeman LeMay Eleanor Graves Gerald Maa Jen Girdish Joe Hall Mark Polanzak Matt Gajewski Matthew Klam Mike Scalise Sean Carman Wade Fletcher William John Bert |
Alison Hanold Amanda Shepherd Andres Foldvari Anthony Dihle Bryan Rojsuontikul Constance Leonard Giorgia Luisa Ian MaClean Davis Ivylise Simones Katherine Tzu-Lan Mann Leah Frankel Magnolia Laurie Malcolm Majer Mike Dax Iacovone Nathan Lam Vuong Rachel D Crouch Tatiana Suarez |
Poster designed and screen printed by Anthony Dihle